Releasing genetically engineered fruit flies into the wild could be a cheap, effective and environmentally friendly way to control pests according to new research from scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Oxitec Ltd.
As citrus greening continues to threaten America’s citrus production, representatives of the organic industry sat down with staff members from more than a dozen congressional offices Tuesday to brief them on the proposed organic efforts being sought to fight the disease.
Researchers tested GE-soy, conventional soy and organic soy to determine their nutrient and element compositional differences, as well as the presence of residues of herbicides and pesticides.
As pollinator week begins, the Environmental Protection Agency is announcing changes to some pesticide labels in an attempt to mitigate the impact they have on a dwindling bee population.
You can send incoming raw material samples out to a third-party lab, but plenty of easy-to-use, rapid test kits can more quickly provide the results you need—right at your own facility.
A June 10, 2011 report on Deutsche Welle states “bean sprouts are the likely source of an E. coli outbreak in Germany that has killed 31 people and made nearly 3,000 ill since May [2011].” This information was attributed to Reinhard Burger, president of Germany’s federal infectious disease laboratory, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
Integrated pest management protects profits by relying on maintenance and sanitation for pest control, rather than chemical treatments that may require plant downtime.