Volcanica Coffee Low Acid Coffee.jpg

Volcanica Coffee offers low-acid collection

Designed for java lovers with sensitive stomachs

April 28, 2022

This low-acid collection from Volcanica is made for coffee drinkers with sensitive stomachs. Coffees with a pH of 5.2 or above are considered low acid coffees (with water being neutral at a pH of 7). There are many different reasons why and how some coffees are less acidic than others.

The biggest contributing factors to acidity include the altitude the coffee was grown at, with the lower the better; the origin and oftentimes varietal or cultivar of the coffee; the processing method the coffee goes through to strip the coffee seed from the cherry; and the roasting process.

 Highlights of the new collection include:

Low Acid Coffee. A blend of natural low acidic coffees that include beans from Brazil, Sumatra and other Arabica coffees grown at lower altitudes. Easy on the stomach while still satisfying and delicious, this coffee is a great option for those who might have acid-related sensitivity. Comes in regular and decaf.

Sumatra Mandheling Reserve. A rare Indonesian coffee that is smooth with a rich, heavy body, low acidity, exotic flavor with an intense syrupy aftertaste and earthy richness. 

Volcanica House Blend. A blend of South and Central American coffees distinguished by its sweet-yet-bold flavor and rich full body.

Costa Rica Reserve. Comes from the Tarrazu region and offers a light, clean flavor and fragrance.

Brazil Estate. From the Minas Gerais region, it has hints of sweetness, chocolate notes, balanced acidity and clean taste.