Igor - Gorgonzola Cheese - 350 g - Front_1170x658.jpg

Image courtesy of CFIA

CFIA Recalling Igor Brand Gorgonzola Ripened Blue-Veined Cheese

December 13, 2022
Igor - Gorgonzola Cheese - 350 g - Back_1170x658.jpg

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has issued a recall warning for Igor brand Gorgonzola mild ripened blue-veined cheese recalled due to Listeria monocytogenes. The recalled product has been sold in Ontario and Quebec. This recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency test results. There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product. The CFIA is conducting a food safety investigation, which may lead to the recall of other products. The CFIA is verifying that industry is removing recalled products from the marketplace.