Technology Sourcebook

In-air sorter

September 10, 2012
fex0912ts19_inbody.jpgThe Key Tegra 7755E in-air color sorter provides full-object views of product; each of the unit’s 4 cameras scans the full width of the belt, allowing the entire product zone to be viewed from 4 sides. As product passes through the sorter, it is launched from the metal-mesh catenary C-Belt for in-air viewing by the cameras. The sorter analyzes the images, comparing each object to previously defined accept/reject standards. When defective product or foreign material is identified, the system activates the close-coupled, high-speed ejector system. While the defective object is still airborne, air jets pinpoint the object to reject and remove it from the acceptable product stream. The unit sorts up to 16,500 lbs./hr. depending on the product.
Key Technology, Inc.;