Sugar battle may ensue

Food waste target of new global campaign

One third of food ends up lost or wasted

January 22, 2013

 Food waste target of new global campaign

The Save Food initiative launched a new campaign aimed at reducing the 1.3 billion tons of food waste produced around the world every year. The Think.Eat.Save Reduce Your Footprint campaign, run by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, fair trade organizer Messe Dusseldorf and the UN Secretary General’s Zero Hunger initiative, aims to provide a global vision and information-sharing portal (www.thinkeatsave.org) for the diverse movements already underway throughout the world. According to Save Food, one third of food is lost at production stages such as harvesting, processing and distribution or wasted by the retailer or consumer. The campaign came partially in response to the Rio+20 summit, where heads of state gave the go-ahead for developing a 10-year framework of programs for sustainable consumption and production patterns.