Maple syrup producers ask feds to crack down on ‘misbranding’
Making maple syrup isn’t easy, and its producers—who take pride in their laborious craft—want to make sure consumers are getting the real thing when they eat it.
Because of this, industry groups from around the US representing the syrup industry sent a letter to FDA seeking action against foods labeled as maple when they don’t contain the real product. The groups contend a number of products easily found on store shelves—like oatmeal and ice cream—violate FDA regulations and are misbranded because the product is advertised as maple or maple flavored without the ingredient listed on its label. The Associated Press reports FDA is reviewing the letter and will directly respond to the petitioners.
“This unchecked misbranding has an adverse impact on manufacturers of products containing real maple syrup, as it allows cheaper products not containing premium ingredients to compete with those actually containing maple syrup,” the letter states. “Further, it deceives consumers into believing they are purchasing a premium product when, in fact, they have a product of substantially lower quality.”