Food Safety
Poultry recalls

EU Poultry recalls reach highest level since 2002

As poultry becomes more popular meat in Britain, recalls increase

August 10, 2017

A new report says that recalls of chicken and other poultry meats are at their highest level in the EU since 2002.

The report, from Stericycle ExpertSOLUTIONS, found that the rise is connected to the EU’s curtailing of meat imports from Brazil after exporters were accused of bribing inspectors to overlook problems or not perform inspections. There were 223 recalls of poultry products across the EU in the second quarter of 2017, with 93 percent being a result of bacterial contamination.

Two-thirds of the recalls originated in non-EU countries, with Brazil being the country with the most recall originations. Other countries responsible for the bulk of the recalls were India, Turkey and China. Spain was the only European country in the top 5. 




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