Multi-Conveyor recently built a series of four plastic-belt conveyors designed to gap, rotate, transport and right angle transfer single lane, wrapped corrugated trays of canned goods.

The trays discharge wide-side leading from an existing heat tunnel onto the first conveyor that increases the gap between trays needed for a tray rotation. A consecutive dual-lane product turning conveyor rotates the trays 90 degrees to reorient the product to narrow-side leading. This rotation facilitates the ability for a labeler to apply on the wide side of the flats. Trays then transfer onto the third transport belt in continual motion.

The fourth right angle transfers the trays utilizing a servo-driven overhead transfer device. Each tray is conveyed to a predetermined point where they are identified and “pushed” or “swept” at a right angle, one tray at a time, changing the product’s orientation by 90 degrees again. 

The 60 –tray per minute pusher assembly device uses logic controls, product detection and in-feed sensors for the perfect transfer to feed the palletizer ahead. The company states that the overall scope-of-project also includes options for two additional powered conveyors to be added at a later date.