In November, we reported on food loss and waste (FLW) and how research is showing that most FLW happens upstream in the supply chain. According to a Coresight Research study, 37% of food waste happens in the homes of consumers.1 Since food manufacturers are unable to monitor the at-home use of consumer goods, one solution is to invest in packaging that will enhance products and lengthen shelf- and storage-life of perishable food items.

Packaging of perishable food items not only affects FLW, it also contributes to food scarcity within communities across the globe. The Word Food Organization anticipates 345 million people will face food insecurity in 2023, more than double the number in 2020.2 So what solutions can food manufacturers employ to do their part in reducing these numbers while maintaining sustainability goals?

In this episode of the FOOD ENGINEERING podcast, Todd Meussling, senior manager of market development at Fresh-Lock, and Samantha Russo, managing editor, discuss the role of packaging in FLW. They review packaging solutions such as; the correct sizing, labeling, sustainable material usage, best-by dates, new packaging innovations and Meussling’s perspective on the future of packaging.

Packaging technologies like closure systems aim to abate food scarcity and food insecurity by lengthening the after-open shelf-life. Proper packaging design can aid FLW management and be a pivotal tool for food manufacturers to invest to provide profitability, as well as to contribute in the effort to end food scarcity and food insecurity.


[1] “Overcoming the Food-Waste Challenge: Improving Profit Wile Doing Good,” Deborah Weinswig, CEO and founder, Coresight Research, 22 June 2022

[2] “A Global Food Crisis: World Food Programme.” UN World Food Programme, Lynne Rienner Publishers,