Ben & Jerry'spromotedWalt Freesefrom chief marketing officer to chief euphoria officer. He succeedsYves Couette, who became senior vice president forUnilever'sbeverages category.
Compound Natural Foods, Inc. purchased Pure Nature LLC and its HydroCharge line of natural sports drinks. Natural Foods expects to acquire more companies in the natural foods and beverages sector.
InfinityQS International and FMC FoodTech formed an agreement to develop an OEM version of the InfinityQS SPC (statistical process control) software adapted to the needs of the food processing industry. The new product, LINK Process Analysis, will be available exclusively through FMC FoodTech.
Kraft Foods Inc. hired Mark Berlind as executive vice president, global corporate affairs. Prior to joining Kraft, he was vice president and associate general counsel for Altria Corporate Services.
The Houston, TX-based Nestle Waters North America Ozarka brand bottling plant, designed and built by Haskell Co., received "Silver" Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification from the US Green Building Council.