The federal government is funneling an additional $63 million in agricultural aid into the Gulf Coast region, still struggling to overcome last summer's devastating hurricanes. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced that Emergency Conservation Program (EPC) funds will be available to assist agricultural producers in counties that were declared disaster areas.

More aid for Gulf Coast

Eligible agricultural producers may receive up to 100 percent cost-share to remove debris and restore fences and conservation structures.

Defining whole grain

With whole grain foods enjoying new popularity, FDA is working to clarify exactly what constitutes it. The agency issued a draft guidance document for label statements on whole grain food and is now collecting comments. Robert Earl, senior director of nutrition for the Food Products Association, said the food industry has been eagerly awaiting this guidance for some time.

"FPA believes that the food label should deliver information to inform consumers about ways that whole grain or whole grain containing foods meet dietary recommendations and fit into healthful life styles," Earl said.

The guidance is available at