Excellent Foods installed a Freshline nitrogen freezer from Air Products so its Apple Fries product freezes in five seconds, allowing no shrinkage from loss of moisture. Source: Air Products.

Excellent Foods in Burbank, WA, is hoping its new Apple Fries product will become as American as apple pie. Similar in appearance to wedge-cut French fries, but with a better nutritional profile, Apple Fries are made with 100% Washington-grown Granny Smith and Fuji apples, free of preservatives and artificial color and low in calories, fat, carbs and sodium.

As consumers continue to turn toward healthier fare, inventor Rich Shepard is hoping that Apple Fries will capture the fancy of the American public.

However, the advent of Apple Fries didn’t happen overnight. Shepard, president of Excellent Foods, spent four years developing the product. His determination, -320