The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has awarded $10.5 million in one-year federal safety and health training grants to 80 nonprofit organizations across the nation for education and training programs that help high-risk workers and their employers recognize serious workplace hazards, implement injury prevention measures and understand their rights and responsibilities.

The department's Susan Harwood Training Grant Program funds grants to nonprofit organizations, including community/faith-based groups, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor/management associations, colleges and universities.

"Susan Harwood training grants save lives," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez. "The hands-on training supported by these grants helps assure that workers and employers have the tools and skills they need to identify hazards and prevent injuries."

According to OSHA, since 1978 approximately 2.1 million workers have been trained through this program. The training grant program honors Susan Harwood, a former director of the Office of Risk Assessment in OSHA's former Directorate of Health Standards, who passed away in 1996.

 For more on the 2015 Susan Harwood training grants, visit .