Citrosuco has signed an exclusive global licensing agreement with Green Cell Technologies (GCT) where the Brazilian orange juice and ingredient producer will use GCT’s proprietary Disruptor technology, intellectual property and applicable trademarks to create new orange-based specialty ingredients.

Green Cell’s Disruptor technology was featured in FE’s Engineering R&D column in December, 2016. The company’s patented Dynamic Cellular Disruption (DCD) process—in conjunction with its Disruptor technology—makes it possible to harvest 99.99998 percent of an orange or other produce item, reducing food waste. The technology works without heat or chemicals and without denaturing the product.

The agreement—for an initial two-year period—will allow Citrosuco to hold the exclusive licensing rights to GCT’s DCD process for the global orange juice and orange-related specialty ingredients market. The technology will let the producer significantly reduce waste while formulating products for the growing consumer appetite for natural foods.

“Citrosuco aims to be the best company for natural fruit juices and ingredients in the global food industry,” according to a Citrosuco spokesperson. “Access to Green Cell Technologies’ machinery and intellectual property will make this more of a reality. We are excited about the prospects this means for us as a global company to develop new products and for the people who will benefit from the added nutritional enhancements this technology can unlock.”

“We are delighted to be working with Citrosuco as they are a company that shares our ideals as far as natural foods are concerned, and one that is prepared to invest in sustainable innovation with the aim of being able to provide better foods for more people while minimizing negative impact on the environment,” says Roy Henderson, chief executive officer of Green Cell Technologies. “With the world population growing on a daily basis and the ability to deliver meaningful nutrition diminishing, it is imperative that food processors enter the modern manufacturing paradigm.”