Effective July 29, the Commodity Credit Corporation has revised the regulations to implement a Trade Mitigation Program for producers of 2019 agricultural commodities that have been significantly impacted by trade actions of foreign governments resulting in the loss of exports. As part of TMP, the Market Facilitation Program regulation specifies the eligibility requirements, payment calculations and application procedures. 

The details for specific commodities and the relevant application start dates will be announced in applicable notices of funds availability. As part of TMP, the Expanded Domestic Commodity Donation Program regulation specifies disposition of surplus commodities through outlets not currently used in existing Food and Nutrition Service programs, the application process, eligibility and use of grants or cooperative agreements. The details for specific commodities and conditions will be announced in applicable NOCAs. This rule adds new subparts to the TMP regulation to address the 2019 agricultural commodities. For more information, visit www.regulations.gov.