A wear-resistant flexible screw conveyor with carbon steel conveyor tube, heavy-duty flexible screw, and heavy-gauge floor hopper and discharge housing, capable of moving crushed glass, garnet, aluminum oxide, silica sand, aggregate, cement and other abrasive materials. The screw is available in lengths up to 40 feet (12 m) in round, square, flat or beveled. The 4-1/2 inch (115 mm) diameter conveyor tube is available curved to vertical to horizontal or any angle. The screw is the only moving part contacting material. As it rotates, the screw self-centers, providing ample space between itself and the tube wall to minimize/eliminate grinding. The gentle rolling action prevents the separation of blends, while the conveyor tube prevents product and plant contamination. 

Flexicon - www.flexicon.com

Flexicon on Food Master