A new study suggesting five out of six Americans who try vegetarian diets return to a diet that includes meat has the American Meat Institute (AMI) offering an enthusiastic “welcome back” to those would be vegetarians.
In response to consumer preferences, representatives with Hershey’s, the US’s largest chocolate manufacturer, say the company is weighing the idea of replacing corn syrup with sugar in products that still use the sweetener, according to news reports.
Global information company the NPD Group recently released the results of its Kitchen Audit, a study that asks consumers to report on what appliances, cookware, and utensils they own, food ingredients they have on hand and what recipes they use.
A rise in gluten sensitivity and the perceived health benefits of a gluten-free diet have forced an explosion of gluten-free products onto store shelves. Because of this, sales of gluten-free food is projected to reach $8.8 billion in 2014, representing an increase of 63 percent from 2012-2014, according to consumer research group Mintel.
For the sake of pushing the boundaries of food innovation, PepsiCo unleashed the improbable by creating a Doritos flavored Mountain Dew the company is now testing on consumers across the country.
Phil Lempert, the Supermarket Guru, worked closely with ConAgra Foods to map out the biggest changes in consumer preferences and food trends for the industry.