The Industrial Magnetics pneumatic line housing magnetic separator incorporates a series of rare-earth magnetic tubes on staggered centers to capture metal contaminants in pneumatic line processing applications, eliminating the manual removal of metal contamination.
Flexicon’s mobile bulk-bag filling system features an integral metal detector/separator, tilt-down flexible screw conveyor for dust-free filling, Twin-Centerpost bulk-bag filler, air displacement vent and programmable controls housed in a SS NEMA 4X enclosure with a touch screen that graphically displays filling functions.
Eriez’s Model FF4 metal separator is used to inspect dry bulk products under gravity free-fall conditions, and works in other food industry applications where high sensitivity is required.
Eriez Magnetic Hump magnetic separators remove tramp iron contamination from gravity or pneumatically fed dry, free-flowing products such as feed, grain and food stuffs.