The PMI Cartoning all-servo, washdown horizontal cartoner is built to FDA sanitary requirements and features IP67-compliant stainless steel solid bar construction.
The Evergreen QL-30 gable top packaging machine handles fill volumes of 6 to 32 oz. and fills quarts/liters up to 3,000 cartons/hr. with a single-stage bottom-up fill system.
The WSI Global EdgePack semiautomatic carton accumulator is situated after a folder/gluer in a carton converting line, where it turns the glued carton shingle onto its folded edge.
Tetra Pak’s VP of Marketing Chris Gretchko recently took some time to talk with Food Engineering about packaging trends and how brands can best react to the changes.
The SP Industries CP-6002 industrial compactor has a remote power unit, multicycle timer, automatic safety retract and keyed pinning/boost override system with side-mounted controls.
The WSI Global GenieCut windowing machine detects each printed, die-cut carton being fed from the host machine and places a designated length of film at a precise location on the carton.