The new product is a result of the company's recently filed patent for 3D-bioprinting technology which allows high levels of marbling control within a consolidated structure.
A few weeks ago, I was invited by Meat from Europe—an organization promoting European Union meat products within the EU and abroad—and the Union of Producers and Employers of Meat Industry (UPEMI) to visit Poland and two of its meat processing facilities: one dedicated to beef, the other primarily pork.
The greenfield project will be located in western Iowa
December 7, 2021
Scheduled to break ground in spring 2022, the 500,000-square-foot Cattlemen’s Heritage beef-harvesting plant, to be located in northern Mills County just south of Council Bluffs, will harvest 1,500 head per day and employ up to 750 people.
Researchers will use the rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) technology to identify compositional differences in beef. The goal is to predict beef sensory performance to determine the exact peak of beef aging.
August 23, 2019
Texas Tech University College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources (CASNR), Lubbock, Texas, received a $294,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service to study the effects of aging on beef.
Aurora Packing Company Inc. recalled about 62,000 pounds of raw beef products for possible E. coli, discovered during traceback from random sample testing by the USDA.
Two companies recalled large amounts for ground beef for possible E. coli, and public health officials are testing the meat to find out whether it’s linked to an ongoing E. coli outbreak. The USDA warned that additional product may be recalled in the continuing investigation.
The new warehouse will consist of an automated storage and retrieval system capable of handling 27,000 boxes in a 9-hour day with more than 37,000 box storage locations.
October 22, 2018
Creekstone Farms Premium Beef LLC broke ground on a new $35 million refrigerated distribution center at its Arkansas City, Kan., headquarters facility.
A "Sustainability Framework" produced by the US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (USRSB) has been criticized as "greenwashing" by a number of environmental groups.