The cryptography working group within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards organization has chosen the Endress+Hauser-developed CPace protocol as a recommended method for use in internet standards.
Keeping ransomware out of your IT and OT systems depends on a well informed staff that plans ahead plus the proper network and cybersecurity tools to avert a disaster
A cyberattack not only creates costly downtime but also can destroy IP, cause food safety issues and just be plain expensive—whether or not you pay the ransom
Sometimes all you need is a knowledgeable system integrator or machine builder who’s “been there—done that,” when it comes to securing networks from cyberattacks
No doubt a ransomware or malware attack can shut down enterprise business systems, but cybersecurity attacks can do a lot more damage on manufacturing systems
Of late, several companies have taken hits on their worldwide IT and Web based systems. Perhaps the most recent, Canon, suffered a global ransomware attack, taking down many Canon websites and systems - also with a threat of making their private business data public. But can these IT/enterprise attacks threaten and/or damage OT systems? And what can they do to food and beverage products? Make them unsafe by altering a critical kill step or omitting preservatives? What else? I asked Barak Pereleman, VP of OT Security at Tenable, what attack vectors may pose danger to OT-based systems.
If you haven’t become serious about backups, it’s time to do so now—before a key system goes down and puts you out of business while you try to recover.
Three industries were targeted the most by cyberattacks— transportation, where state-sponsored threat actors seek to disrupt the logistical and supply capability of rivals, and banking and legal, which are industries rich with sensitive information.
November 25, 2019
Mimecast Ltd., Lexington, Mass., released its quarterly report, “Threat Intelligence Report: Risk and Resilience Insights,” which provides technical analysis and observations of evolving threats from the Mimecast Threat Center from July to September.
FSMA requires food processors control access to those who come into contact with food, so PepsiCo took immediate action to locate a reliable access control provider
PepsiCo faced a dilemma about three years ago when its access control software provider announced “end of life” for its legacy security software, potentially leaving more than 300 PepsiCo locations in the lurch for an access control system. What to do?
The Australian Cyber Security Center provides an updated “Essential Eight Maturity Model” to help you determine your maturity level in mitigating cybersecurity issues in eight key areas
A recent statement from U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cyber+Infrastructure’s (CISA) National Cyber Awareness System noted that the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has updated its “Essential Eight Maturity Model.” Though all this sounds like alphabet soup or bureaucratic gobble-de-gook, the Maturity Model consists of eight important mitigation strategies you should be employing to protect your computing systems.