We check in with BluNalu about the future of fish through cellular aquaculture, plus the company's recent progress toward launching its products for foodservice.
The study says 33% of students are satisfied with their school's foodservice facilities.
June 10, 2019
Delivery, technology and health trends are changing the foodservice landscape and younger generations are leading this charge, according to “2019 College & University Consumer Trend Report,” a report published by Technomic, Chicago.
Duke University has banned the use of disposable plastics campus-wide for all Duke Dining locations. Part of The Deliberate Dining Project, the program bans single-use, carry-out plastic bags and disposable plastic food service wear.
By 2025, 100 percent of the fast food restaurant’s guest packaging will come from renewable, recycled, or certified sources with a preference for Forest Stewardship Council certification.
A survey of protein purchasers in food service revealed beef continues to be a frontrunner in the industry in terms of volume, market share and dollars it brings to operations.