Beta Analytic, which provides bio-based content testing for a variety of industries, suggests a new possibility for hemp and CBD manufacturers. They could turn to carbon-14 analysis to authenticate the “naturalness” of their products.
Equipment plays a critical role in cleaning, sanitizing strategies
April 22, 2021
As retail demand surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, food and beverage manufacturers found themselves having to quickly ramp up production to keep pace. The challenge faced by many was how to properly clean and sanitize both equipment and production areas when shifts were added or extended, while plants were running seven days a week and employees were scrambling to keep up with the surge in demand.
Global natural and organic foods retailer Whole Foods Market has adopted Honeywell’s Solstice N40 (R-448A) lower GWP refrigerant in its stores across the U.S. as it seeks to reduce refrigerant emissions under the EPA’s GreenChill program.
As the cannabis industry expands and matures, brands are developing strategies for sharing their brand promises and attracting consumers.
April 20, 2021
Judging by the renaissance of edible and beverage packaging and marketing, rather than inhibiting a new industry, restrictions have led to creative growth.
On April 29, the FDA will launch its first in a new quarterly podcast series that focuses on the development and use of new technologies to strengthen the ability of FDA, regulated industry and others to accelerate prevention, speed outbreak response and more swiftly adapt to crises that could affect the human and animal food supply.
Water. We can’t live without it, and you can’t run a food or beverage plant without it. However, having it available for all earth’s inhabitants worldwide in the next 20 to 30 years will be a challenge—as already two-billion of the planet’s population live in areas where water is scarce. Unsurprisingly, the food and beverage industry is one of the largest water users, so it’s well worthwhile to minimize waste wherever possible. Water treatment companies are only too aware of the importance of conserving this precious resource, which in some areas can be more valuable than oil.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing to amend its regulations to require internet access from certain facilities for the purposes of conducting and recording inspection verification activities.
The FDA has recently taken the heat from the U.S. House of Representatives, which released a report finding several baby food companies to have high toxic levels of heavy metals in their products.