OMI Industries' Laura Haupert recently spoke to Cannabis Products about the odor challenges cannabis producers face and strategies for overcoming them.
Penn Color offers one-pellet masterbatch solution for PET.
September 13, 2022
Nicolas Rivollet, VP of marketing, Penn Color, recently spoke to Cannabis Products about the importance of on-shelf differentiation, the advantages of PET, and the company’s one-pellet masterbatch solution.
CANNFUSION offers cold squeezed fruit juice shots blended with hemp-derived cannabinoids to deliver nourishment for body, mind and soul—the names of each of the juice blends they offer.
New brand MotherBar officially launched its proprietary hemp-based CBD Moment mints, created to relax the body and mind while challenging our mindset and approach to stress.
The U.S. cannabis market size is expected to reach $40.0 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 14.9% over the forecast period, according to Grand View Research Inc.
Brand owners and manufacturers put considerable effort into the development of their cannabis-infused food and beverage products, but without proper packaging, their planning, production, and investment could go to waste.