PepsiCo has introduced pep+ (pep Positive), a strategic end-to-end transformation with sustainability at the center of how the company will create growth and value by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for the planet and people.
ACS Laboratory, the largest state-of-the-art testing facility in cannabis and hemp testing in the eastern U.S., has launched a proprietary and trademarked Tested Safe Certified Seal program, which is endorsed by the American Cannabinoid Association.
Good Mood Cannabis Kitchen Company (GMCK) recently launched Cannacap™, a cap that stores flavored THC powder in a portable and discreet cap and delivers it to the beverage, transforming any drink into a cannabis beverage.
As the cannabis-infused food and beverage industry continues to grow, progressively expanding into mainstream America, variables related to finished product quality, safety, and consistency will rise to the forefront of industry concerns.
S-One Labels & Packaging has launched a free Cannabis Resource Guide to help labelers and packagers navigate the emerging legal cannabis marketplace and also features an educational article exploring child-resistant packaging, how it’s achieved and what this standard means for the wider cannabis packaging industry.
Chocolate is an ideal medium for delivering cannabinoids—given its natural fat content and its popularity and familiarity among consumers—but its unique properties make using chocolate as challenging as it is appealing.
Beta Analytic, which provides bio-based content testing for a variety of industries, suggests a new possibility for hemp and CBD manufacturers. They could turn to carbon-14 analysis to authenticate the “naturalness” of their products.
As the cannabis industry expands and matures, brands are developing strategies for sharing their brand promises and attracting consumers.
April 20, 2021
Judging by the renaissance of edible and beverage packaging and marketing, rather than inhibiting a new industry, restrictions have led to creative growth.
As this segment grows, cannabis-infused beverage manufacturers will need filling equipment that will meet their needs for efficiency, speed and safety.