The newly acquired Cooper Street Bakery will operate independently from the Cooper Street Snacks brand but will play a crucial role in supporting the company’s expanding product lines.
The high value of honey and perceived cachet surrounding its provenance makes it a vulnerable target, whether through fraudsters claiming false geographical origin, declaring false botanical variety or diluting it with cheaper sugar syrups.
Wheat processor Crespel & Deiters commissioned the construction of a €18.5 million ($20.7 million) silo building at its main site in Ibbenbüren, Germany at the beginning of the year – the largest single investment in infrastructure in the company’s history.
The project, which is being funded by the California Energy Commission, kicks off in September 2024 and is expected to span a two and a half year period.
Glenn Wayne Wholesale Bakery manufacturers donuts, muffins, Danish pastries, cookies, brownies and other baked goods from its full-line manufacturing facility in Bohemia, N.Y.