In 2012, industry (comprised of manufacturing, agriculture, mining and construction) accounted for about one-third (30.6 quads) of the US’s total primary energy consumption, according to a recently released DOE report entitled “Barriers to Industrial Energy Efficiency.”
For some time, industrial manufacturing companies have been looking for ways to bring together the seemingly divergent needs of enterprise networking systems and the real-time requirements of plant floor communications systems.
The new facility will address diverse consumer food demands and focus on new product development for the company’s frozen and chilled food product lines.
Researchers will explore ways to reduce sodium and saturated fat, eliminate partially hydrogenated oils, incorporate more vegetables and create gluten-free and high-protein options.
Pat Roberts, chairman of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, addressed the Senate last week, calling for a repeal of the COOL labeling requirements.
The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to pass a bill repealing the mandatory country-of-origin labeling requirements for beef, pork and chicken.
Health officials in New York propose including a warning label on menu items with too much sodium, while San Francisco get closer to requiring warnings on sugar-sweetened beverage ads.
The group urges FDA to revoke its 1964 approval allowing seven flavorings to be used in food and overturn the industry’s 1974 self-approval of the eighth synthetic flavor.
Food Safety Summit (FSS) 2015 attendees found collaboration and integration to be the watchwords for FDA’s strengthening of relationships among government organizations (federal, state and local) and other stakeholders in food safety.