Two well-known uses are in the making of non-stick frying/cooking pans and the foam used in fighting primarily aircraft fires (or other petroleum-based fires), hence PFAS subsurface ground contamination tends to be prevalent around military air bases where foam firefighting has been taught and practiced.
The E5800 Series features bolted bonnets and cage-retained seats in rugged, high-efficiency bodies of steel or stainless steel for ease of maintenance in a variety of trim materials and port sizes.
The biotech industry has been dealing with regulations and scale-ups for some time and has the know-how
July 22, 2021
Alternative proteins—especially cell-based seafood and meats—hold promise for the future, considering that animals are eliminated from the production chain.
ProSpection Solutions uses EtherCAT and PC-based control technology from Beckhoff to optimize low-density foreign material inspection system
July 8, 2021
In 2017, ProSpection Solutions began its transition from machine distributor to machine builder OEM. One of the first products its engineering team designed was the IP69K-rated low-density foreign material detection and removal system.
Processors turn focus to physical security to protect employees and food
June 1, 2021
COVID-19 has re-affirmed the need for design changes in food plants to help prevent spread. Processors are also re-evaluating their facilities’ security readiness.
The FDA has recently taken the heat from the U.S. House of Representatives, which released a report finding several baby food companies to have high toxic levels of heavy metals in their products.