Ishida’s RS-series of multihead weighers from Heat and Control, available in 14- and 16-head models, integrate simple operator controls with advanced load cell technology.
The APEX High Performance metal detector from Thermo Electron uses multi-coil technology to increase the effect of the magnetic field in the aperture by more than 1.5 times, enabling the detector to target and amplify signals from much smaller pieces of metal.
Key’s Optyx 6000 Series sorter with Raptor Laser Technology features a double-wide platform and Key’s G6 engine to detect small defects and foreign material at double throughput.
By combining the capabilities of digital Gigabit Ethernet cameras and dual processing technology, Applied Vision says it has made machine vision more cost efficient.
The Custom Metalcraft CM-3-Tube heat exchanger can be cleaned and sanitized with standard CIP systems and can be disassembled without tools for inspection.