The Peco InspX 2016 Allegro 450mm-wide top-down X-ray system is equipped with standard air conditioning and low-noise detector hardware; the 100W X-ray source is available with a glass or beryllium window.
Combining a single vertical X-ray beam with high-sensitivity detector technology, METTLER TOLEDO Safeline X33 X-ray systems enable inspections with a low-power X-ray generator.
Designed for the meat processing industry, the MULTIVAC entry-level BASELINE I 100 X-ray inspection system detects foreign bodies made of metal, glass, bone, stone, ceramics and dense plastic.
Omega LDI-127 contactless, linear-variable-inductive transducer position sensors are used for factory automation and a variety of industrial applications such as chute or gate positions on packing equipment.
Built for the dry blending of free-flowing solids, Ross V-cone tumble blenders feature stainless steel 316 wetted parts polished to a 240-grit finish, hinged covers, a butterfly discharge valve, TEFC direct drive gear motor and a safety gate with a limit switch.
Facilitating ink-jet printing, labeling, case packing and hand pack operations, the Multi-Conveyor Helix Upender twist-style conveyor changes product orientation by 90° or 180°, clockwise or counter-clockwise.