Graybill baked dessert confectionery snack cake lines slice, separate, inject, ice and assemble “finished” snack cakes ready for further cooling or specialized packaging at a rate of up to 1,000/min.
Capable of detecting metal, glass, dense plastics and other contaminants in packaged food, the Thermo Scientific Xpert C400 X-ray system can be used for thicker, denser products; wet, semi-frozen products; metalized packaging structures; and/or higher-speed production.
The Habasit gray acetal HabaCHAIN vent top case chain for the poultry, seafood and raw fish industries reduces the risk of pinch points and allows water drainage during the sanitation process.
Engineered for less sensitive fluid milk, beverage or water applications, Alfa Laval BaseLine plate heat exchangers provide a combination of temperature and holding time for accurate heating and cooling.