Key Technology’s Tegra sorters for fresh-cut processors automatically detect and remove defects and foreign material from the product stream at high production rates.
The Douglas Model HD-12-SPW scale parts washer is designed to wash, rinse and sanitize detachable scale parts from multi-head weighers while eliminating or minimizing the need for mezzanine modifications.
Thermo Electron’s Goring Kerr PROx X-ray inspection system finds metal, glass, stone, bone, plastic, wire and other dense contaminates in packaged or bulk food products, as well as in pumped products.
Raytek expanded the capabilities of its compact, digital MI Series IR temperature sensor. The sensor now features increased optical resolution, optimizing its performance in demanding process control environments and allowing direct replacement of contact probes.
Matthews Marking Products has two new inkjet systems for marking
and coding directly on porous materials, such as paper and cardboard:
the entry-level SX7/16 and the high-resolution IP 7000.
Models in Clayton Industries’ new line of SigmaFire compact steam generators are rated at 20 to 200 boiler horsepower and deliver from 690 to 6,900 lbs. of high-quality steam per hour.