Joyce Fassl has spent most of her career in magazine management. As the former editor-in-chief of Food Engineering, Fassl has directed the magazine’s editorial staff since 1986, except for a two-year stretch where she oversaw content direction for the debut of Her expertise is creating dynamic print and online content, building top-notch editorial teams and managing innovative custom publishing projects and live events. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Penn State University. In addition to supervising all Food Engineering content, Joyce is Program Director for the Food Automation & Manufacturing Conference.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the American public, the American film industry, and most importantly, the American food industry, for supplying me with so much material to write about this month.
I WAS NEVER ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE who made serious new year's resolutions or enjoyed end of year predictions about the year to come-expect for the humor value often found in both instances.
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. YOU may be thinking…’04 budget cuts? Fall trade show frenzy? No, it’s getting close to the deadline for Food Engineering’s annual Plant of the Year competition.