Grains Stoked Oats Introduces OatRice October 3, 2024 Stoked OatRice can be cooked and eaten like rice, but it offers twice the protein and five times the fiber of traditional white rice, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.Read More
Kellogg Company's Vitamin D Petition Accepted by FDA January 9, 2023 The company petitioned the FDA to review fortification regulations for cereals and grain-based bars with Vitamin D. Read More
Nearly 20 percent of Chinese grain wasted from farm to fork The problem is acute in China, with 21 percent of the world's population but only 9 percent of its arable land. Shane O'Halloran September 4, 2013 The problem is acute in China, with 21 percent of the world's population but only 9 percent of its arable land. Read More
USDA predicts largest ever corn crop and third largest ever soybean crop The projections are big increases over last year's drought-devastated harvest Shane O'Halloran August 14, 2013 The projections are big increases over last year's drought-devastated harvestRead More
TECH FLASH House holds hearings on Renewable Fuel Standard Lawmakers heard from stakeholders on both sides of the issue over two days. Shane O'Halloran July 30, 2013 Points of contention include blend wall, fuel compatibility and the E-15 waiver.Read More
Scientists say no metabolic difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup A new report compiles extensive research to make the claim. Shane O'Halloran March 15, 2013 A new report compiles extensive research to make the claim.Read More
TECH FLASH The case against corn ethanol As more ethanol producers close, an economist asks if corn ethanol mandates make sense. Shane O'Halloran March 12, 2013 Annual ethanol production outstrips demand.Read More
UN Food and Agriculture Organization predict second largest wheat crop ever in 2013 FAO predicts a 4.3 percent uptick over 2012's production. Shane O'Halloran March 8, 2013 FAO predicts a 4.3 percent uptick over 2012's production.Read More
AMI supports bill to rescind E15 Waivers The resolution would limit EPA to waivers for no more than 10 percent ethanol fuel. Shane O'Halloran March 6, 2013 The resolution would limit EPA to waivers for no more than 10 percent ethanol fuel.Read More
Corn Purdue economist: US unlikely to dominate future corn exports USDA statistics support the claim. Shane O'Halloran December 6, 2012 USDA statistics support the claim.Read More