FSIS will consider, on a case-by-case basis, GOIs for official import inspection establishments outside the 50-mile geographic radius of a U.S. land or sea port of entry.
FSIS will consider, on a case-by-case basis, GOIs for official import inspection establishments outside the 50-mile geographic radius of a U.S. land or sea port of entry.
The FDA is implementing a revised inspection approach, strategically designed to optimize program efficiency by leveraging other oversight activities, which may reduce user fees.
December 2, 2024
The FDA is implementing a revised inspection approach, strategically designed to optimize program efficiency by leveraging other oversight activities, which may reduce user fees.
The FA3/M system is designed for mixed bulk, frozen block and plastic crate applications, making it suitable for processors handling fresh, chilled, frozen or hot-boned meat in bulk or unwrapped form.
Twin City Foods processes hundreds of millions of pounds of product annually. The company’s frozen peas, corn, carrots and green beans are sold around the world to foodservice customers and in private-label retail packs.
AI looks to be a panacea for making better inspection choices, but knowing specifically what the inspection criteria should be needs to be in place before employing an AI-based system.
AI looks to be a panacea for making better inspection choices, but knowing specifically what the inspection criteria should be needs to be in place before employing an AI-based system.
Machine vision technology is emerging as a transformative force in driving productivity, enhancing quality control and revolutionizing packaging inspection processes.