A recent expansion allows M2 Ingredients to put all of its indoor farming and post-production processes under one roof — enabling true vertical integration and full chain of custody from spore to finished product.
The advantages of choosing refurbished or hybrid conveyors, especially when considering bottle conveyors, are numerous and extend beyond simple cost savings.
The company's Clinton and Wilson, N.C., facilities were also recognized for environmental leadership and commitment to exemplary environmental performance beyond regulatory requirements
The new 158,000-sq.-ft. building also houses Emmi Roth’s new state-of-the-art conversion facility, which will cup, bag, wedge, shred and crumble the company’s cheese products for a variety of brands.
A single-stream mechanical recycling pilot demonstration produces the rFlex bale, a flexible packaging byproduct that could be used for future end markets and as a possible feedstock.
A single-stream mechanical recycling pilot demonstration produces the rFlex bale, a flexible packaging byproduct that could be used for future end markets and as a possible feedstock.