The APV Ultra Clean Pigging System scrapes off high-value products from pipes without mixing them with water, significantly reducing wasted products during CIP operations.
Factory Sustainable Solutions offers food and beverage producers a tailored blend of technology and plant integration capabilities to support them in optimizing energy and resource consumption.
Cleaning/Clean-in-Place (CIP) systems have been around since the 1950s and in many regions and industries, they are now the standard method of maintaining hygienic and effective equipment operation. Yet, we still encounter clients and manufacturers who are unfamiliar with the concept and continue to purchase or specify production equipment or systems that rely heavily on manual cleaning routines, often involving time consuming and expensive equipment breakdown.
You’ve automated your process and packaging and have computer-generated paper trails to show food safety and quality throughout your facility. Why wouldn’t you do the same with cleaning—wherever it’s practical? Granted, there are certain pieces of equipment you just have to take out of the process to clean manually, but for other components—like piping, some conveyor belting, certain pumps, mixers, tanks and other equipment—you can clean them in place (CIP) and have automated recordkeeping to show proof of cleaning and sanitation to regulating bodies when they ask.
The company’s hygienic, totally enclosed Cableflow tubular cable drag conveyors offer clean-in-place (CIP) options including wiper discs, air knife purge units and brush boxes.