Food and beverage manufacturers are discovering that machine learning is a vital ingredient in moving to predictive maintenance strategies. Larger food companies have the jump on digital transformations, but smaller companies are starting small and increasing spending to start the journey.
Food and beverage manufacturers are discovering that machine learning is a vital ingredient in moving to predictive maintenance strategies. Larger food companies have the jump on digital transformations, but smaller companies are starting small and increasing spending to start the journey.
Control Station has launched System Health Monitoring (SHM), a tiered service offering that leverages intelligence captured by the company’s PlantESP Loop Performance Monitoring solution.
Over the years, data acquisition systems and sensor technology have made it easier to track and improve OEE scores — now AI and ML can find nuances in data to up performance.
While you can measure and chart OEE manually, today’s AI and ML-based technologies with smart sensors can help processors find the little things that can improve availability, performance and quality — leading to autonomous manufacturing.
The integration of Foundation Earth into EIT Food will provide the expertise needed for advocacy work to develop internationally-recognized standards surrounding the use of data to assess the environmental impact of food.
Changing consumer preferences and regulations have introduced additional complexity to supply chains, necessitating that food and beverage retailers invest in robust traceability solutions.