By 2033, the global food authenticity testing services market is expected to reach approximately USD $10100 million, surpassing the approximate USD $ 6000 million in 2023, according to Future Market Insights (FMI). A CAGR of 6% indicates positive market growth over the forecast period.

Over the years, food quality concerns have led to several approaches to testing food authenticity services. Increasing demand for clean-label products and the shift to the consumption of organic foods have forced manufacturers to invest in advanced food testing methods.

According to FMI, the epidemic of economically motivated infestation (EMA) to overcome competition has forced governments to impose strict regulations on food inspection and authenticity regulations, pushing markets toward a multi-billion-dollar appraisal.

With food fraud increasing, including intentional ingredient substitutions, consumers are skeptical about the authenticity of food products marketed with specific claims such as vegan, free-form, organic, etc. Reportedly, food fraud is seen in intentional ingredient substation, misleading or false claims and disruptive labeling. Consequently, food manufacturers have chosen food authentication techniques that differentiate their products from conventional offerings and capture a significant market share. Consumers’ growing interest in food safety and the growing trend toward clean labels may drive adoption, states FMI.

Growing incidence of fraud, false labeling, certification and adulteration in food products are one of the key factors driving the market growth. It’s also relevant that consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about food quality, stimulating market growth. One method of determining food authenticity in meat-based foods is a PCR-based DNA test that uses a molecular technique to analyze meat and food products for precise results.

Using fragments of DNA that is extracted from the food-product samples, the test identifies each species within the product. This enables cross-checking of the authenticity of the product and verification of its claims. Other growth-inducing factors include the development of remote testing kits and analytical testing software.

Through efficient data sharing and early warning systems, FMI states that these solutions assist in maintaining transparent supply chains. Along with supply chains, several other factors, such as significant growth in the global food and beverage industry and favorable government policies are expected to drive the market toward growth.