Hubs has recently created an article that describes the industries that are experimenting with 3D printing. According to the article, these are the industries where 3D printing is making headway.

1. Food
Pizzas, chocolates and candies coming out of printers sound like sci-fi, right? Well, it's happening now. With the tech evolving to print meat substitutes and lab-grown meat, there may be a future where intensive animal farming becomes a thing of the past. Printed food could also be embedded with custom nutrient profiles to benefit medical patients or the elderly.

2. Fashion
Paris Fashion Week 2023 featured 3D printed shoes from Dior, Reebok and Namesake. Fashion mavens like Julia Koerner, Anouk Wipprecht and Bastian Müller are also exploring 3D printed textiles. The benefits include custom designs, local production and less material waste.

3. Motorsports
F1, NASCAR and MotoGP are shifting gears to leverage 3D printing for speedier production cycles and low-volume capacity. This includes more lightweight and aerodynamic cars due to printed prototypes and components. Stratasys has teamed up with F1’s McLaren, while Ducati rode out the 2022 MotoGP season with Roboze’s composite 3D printing support.

4. Healthcare
We're seeing 3D printing move into point-of-care settings for bespoke medical solutions, increased efficiency and better patient outcomes. This includes bioprinting or the practice of creating human cells in a hydrogel, which could revolutionize regenerative medicine and drug development testing. Big pharma is already taking notice, hoping to benefit from accelerated drug testing.

5. Aerospace
3D printing is linked to the aerospace industry in many ways. It is used in space to produce spare parts, in the production of satellites, to explore the possibility of printing lunar and Martian habitats. It’s helping startups like Relativity, speeding up rocket production with optimized design and the consolidation of parts. The company recently launched Terran 1, its rocket built entirely through 3D printing.

Download the company's newest 3D Printing Report here.