Saputo USA and Hyperlight Energy, the developer of solar steam technology, Hylux, have announced a collaborative partnership aimed at cost-effectively reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in an industrial setting. Having recently broken ground to implement the innovative renewable thermal energy system at one of its facilities in California, Saputo will leverage the Hylux technology to reduce the CO2 intensity of its operations.

This partnership highlights Saputo’s commitment to pursuing sustainable business practices as it seeks to safeguard the environment while continuing to grow as a world-class dairy processor. In February 2020, Saputo Inc. pledged to make significant progress on its climate, water, and waste performance by 2025, with targets including the reduction of the CO2 intensity of its operations by 20%. Renewable energy initiatives, like Hylux, are part of this strategy.

“This partnership enables the demonstration and future expansion of an innovation that addresses a significant gap in the renewable energy market—economically viable renewable thermal energy for onsite application, says John D. H. King, co-founder and CEO of Hyperlight Energy. “We are looking forward to embarking on this journey with the support of the Saputo Dairy USA team.”

According to Saputo Dairy USA Director of Corporate Responsibility Kalee Sanino, “We are committed to doing our part to help transition to a net-zero food system by 2050. We see this collaboration with Hyperlight Energy as a way to leverage our strengths for the greater good and contribute to solving sustainability challenges present in today’s food system.”

Saputo believes the Hylux technology has potential to make the economics of solar thermal energy more accessible. Through the success of this project, both SDUSA and Hyperlight Energy hope to raise awareness and broader application of the technology across industries, creating a ripple effect of reduced GHG emissions.

Hyperlight Energy manufactures the Hylux system in its San Diego based manufacturing plant.