A recent study from FDA that tested 100 dark chocolate products found many of the sweet treats contained milk despite a lack of clarity on the food label.
The increasing popularity of lupin as a food additive in gluten-free products is causing concern among some in the industry because of its potential to cause allergic reactions that many US consumers may not realize.
Targeting one of the most common food allergies, the National Peanut Board (NPD) has launched PeanutAllergyFacts.org, a new website tool designed to provide science-based information about peanut and food allergies.
The UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) issued a technical guidance to help small and medium-sized businesses comply with a new rule on allergen labeling information that will take effect later this year.
Designed with 3 lines of detection, Neogen Reveal 3-D food allergen tests are used to screen for the presence of low levels of allergens in rinses and on environmental swabs.
One company has developed a series of allergen tags that can be used not only for products in the warehouse, but also work-in-process and process records.