Highly criticized, and shunned in favor of wheat, white bread is getting a better reputation thanks to scientists who found that the food encourages growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
With an emphasis on staying healthy, results of a recent study revealed 60 percent of Americans say they monitor or restrict the consumption of at least one nutritional component in their diet.
As legislators continue to weigh health concerns and propose modifications to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a new study suggests banning subsidies for sugar-sweetened beverages could reduce the rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
USDA announced Healthy Eating on a Budget this week, a new addition to ChooseMyPlate.gov, which aims to inform consumers how to shop healthy while still on a budget.
A growing number of food and beverage manufacturers are listening to consumers who support the removal of high fructose corn syrup by changing recipes to remove the sweetener.
In the same way countries around the world came together to regulate tobacco, UN Special Rapporteur on the right of food, Olivier De Schutter, said a similar framework should be used to fight global obesity.