International beverage giant the Coca-Cola Company is giving its flagship beverages a makeover, extending the company’s “One Brand” global marketing strategy.
With more consumers craving wholesome, simply prepared foods, Kellogg’s sought inspiration from breakfast tables around the world to deliver its new product line, Kellogg’s Origins.
The best-of-show winner in the 2014 Pentawards, the first worldwide competition devoted exclusively to packaging design, was Evian’s Pure Drop for the container’s ease of use and recyclability.
A marijuana edibles manufacturer has agreed to recall and destroy all of its products that share a resemblance to products produced by the Hershey Company
Clear Lam Packaging, Inc.’s patented new PrimaPak pop-up box has garnered plenty of recognition as the first-ever reclosable, flexible, stackable package produced from engineered rollstock on proprietary vertical form/fill/seal (VFFS) machinery.