With plants like Campbell’s, Cooper Farms, Hirzel Canning Co. and Lakeview Farms, the Toledo area is host to a high concentration of food processing companies
With access to natural resources, transportation and a strong supply chain it’s no wonder agribusiness and food processing is excelling in Northwest Ohio.
Phil Lempert, the Supermarket Guru, worked closely with ConAgra Foods to map out the biggest changes in consumer preferences and food trends for the industry.
Unilever claims false advertising and unfair competition by Hampton Creek through the sale of its product “Just Mayo,” which Unilever says is misleading to consumers and takes market share from its Hellmann’s and Best Foods products.
Multinational consumer goods company Unilever, makers of Hellmann’s mayonnaise, recently filed a lawsuit against a California company alleging its use and marketing of the term “mayo” in reference to its egg-free sandwich spread does not meet dictionary definitions.
A marijuana edibles manufacturer has agreed to recall and destroy all of its products that share a resemblance to products produced by the Hershey Company