Tennant’s reformulated WearGuard CRU 250 chemical-resistant urethane topcoats meet the volatile organic compound requirements of the Ozone Transport Commission and the Chemicals Control Branch of Environment Canada.
KHS’s Innopack CMP pouch packing systems process at outputs from 60 to 250 pouches/min. with pouch sizes from 90mm wide and 100mm high to 200mm wide and 250mm high.
Providing an energy-efficient solution for a range of material handling applications, Interroll’s high-torque EC110 24 VDC roller drive features a high-performance motor and gear box, combined with elastic decoupling for quiet, smoother operation.
USDA-approved for meat and poultry products, Sharpe’s paint-free M5 portable mixers create high flow with low shear for mixing liquids from 50 to 5,000 gals.
Allen-Bradley-compatible, Hardy’s single- and dual-scale weigh modules
read weight data from load cells and communicate the data and status
information over the I/O backplane to the Allen-Bradley processor.
Grace Engineered Products’ TempCovers temporary panel covers meet OSHA standards and provide safe access to an electrical panel being serviced by a qualified worker.
Intended for data transmissions and communication in industrial settings where high speeds are necessary for complete factory automation, MTS’s Temposonics R-Series EtherCAT sensor is a high-speed networking solution based on industrial Ethernet technology.